光廷Temple of Light携手Danny Rose中国首展亮相上海
摘要:从巴黎到上海,光廷Temple of Light携手Danny Rose中国首展亮相北外滩,于INSIDE镜面巨盒内打造沉浸式光影艺术体验。
光廷Temple of Light携手Danny Rose中国首展亮相北外滩
From Paris to Shanghai
Temple of Light and Danny Rose lighting up the North Bund
with a world-class immersive art experience at INSIDE
光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展
光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展
光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展
光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展
来自巴黎的艺术策展团队光廷 Temple of Light 致力于以高科技投影技术结合艺术创作,玩转传统静态「画框式」的博物馆观展模式,运用数字化技术打造高品质360度沉浸式艺术展览,令大师的作品走向大众,与观众建立深刻互动,引领了一种欣赏经典与当代艺术创作的全新观看方式。同时,深入挖掘中华优秀传统艺术文化瑰宝,让中国文化在数字时代发扬光大并融入更多民众生活。
Temple of Light is art exhibition pioneer with roots in Paris, integrating the latest high-tech projection technology to recreate world class art works, subverting the traditional static viewing mode in museums. Our original creative content immerses viewers in a 360 degree sensorial delight, deepening the audience’s engagement with famous masterpieces, and transforming the way people enjoy art both classic and contemporary. Our Shanghai-based team takes inspiration from China’s rich artistic heritage, enabling Chinese culture to flourish in the digital age and sharing it with the rest of the world.
光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展
作为光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展,团队精心选址于上海北外滩国际客运中心滨江,以标志性的陆家嘴建筑为背景,沿滨江打造INSIDE巨型镜盒,并通过爱普生(EPSON)最新的3LCD技术和Meyer Sound公司尖端的ULTRA-X20空间化音响系统,从地面到7米高的天花板,伴随着栩栩如生的视觉效果和动态音效,观众将穿梭在布满伟大艺术家杰作的600平方米的INSIDE镜盒空间之中,近距离体验现代科技与经典艺术相碰撞所创造出的全新视听盛宴。
At the INSIDE immersive theater, with its mirror walls, sits prominently on the banks of the Huangpu River, located in the North Bund area of Shanghai’s Hongkou district with the iconic Lujiazui urban skyline as a backdrop. The exhibition utilizes Epson’s latest 3LCD technology and Meyer Sound’s cutting-edge ULTRA-X20 spatialized sound system to deliver a revolutionary 4D fully immersive experience. Inside the 7-meter-high and 600 square meter space, visitors are able to travel with our lifelike visuals across the venue with dynamic sound.
光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展
光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展
本次展览以及INSIDE巨型镜盒由法国新媒体艺术家团体Danny Rose 创作,其作品于世界各地屡获殊荣,并在法国、意大利、新加坡、迪拜、澳大利亚等地备受瞩目,更是吸引了上千万光影艺术爱好者们慕名前往。
The inaugural content for the exhibition and INSIDE immersive theater were created by the world-famous award-winning Danny Rose creative studio, with its past exhibitions in France, Italy, Singapore, Dubai, Australia, and other places around the world attracting tens of millions of visitors.
光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展
光廷 Temple of Light在中国的沉浸式首展
此次沉浸式艺术体验包含「UKIYO-E VISIONS・幻境浮世绘」与「MUTATION・无尽幻变」两个主题。浮世绘沉浸式艺术展,艺术家通过数字艺术,将山川风景、海浪、花卉、戏剧场景及美人画像等民俗风情元素再创作,让观众徜徉在17世纪与19世纪的浮世绘画作中;而当代艺术 MUTATION 则是基于人工智能AI建模创作的数字多媒体作品,从平面线条的无限延展到立方体的构成,已至最终幻化为烟雾的物质自身连续变化,观众将沉浸在一个虚拟却又无比真实的奇妙空间中,为我们对物理和虚拟世界的理解提供了一个全新的视角。
The twin themes of the exhibition are “UKIYO-E VISIONS” and “MUTATION”. UKIYO-E VISIONS takes the audience on a contemplative journey into the masterpieces of Ukiyo-e Japanese prints from the 17th to 19th century, providing a glimpse of the great diversity, richness, and modernity of these works and their authors. MUTATION is a sensorial dive into the plastic and harmonious structures of matter, which, as their state changes, transform themselves, one after the other, in endless movement.
当艺术与数码科技的结合成为新一代艺术教育的新趋势,我们相信这一改变也将驱使越来越多的人们走进艺术。光廷Temple of Light 在提供新奇体验和感官洗礼的同时,也希望能赋予观众对经典艺术作品全新的理解与启发。
We believe the collision of culture and technology will bring more people into the art world. Temple of Light aspires to provide novel experiences and delight visitors, inspiring audiences with a new understanding of art.
光廷 Temple of Light Presents INSIDE by Danny Rose
展览时间:2021.12.11 - 2022.01.31
展览地址:上海市虹口区东大名路598号 国际客运中心码头
1. 关注光廷Temple of Light 微信公众号直接购票
2. 通过猫眼、大麦平台直接购票
Temple of Light Presents INSIDE by Danny Rose
Exhibition time: 2021.12.11 – 2022.01.31
Exhibition address: 598 Dongdaming Rd., Hongkou, Shanghai, International Cruise Terminal Station
Ticket purchasing:
1. Follow Temple of Light WeChat account to directly purchase tickets
2. Ticket purchasing also available on MaoYan and Damai platforms
光廷 Temple of Light 是一家国际化、多元文化的公司。我们创造身临其境的创新艺术体验,带领观众领略经典和当代艺术文化之美。通过尖端视频投影技术以及声音空间化技术,为观众带来充满情感互动的多感官艺术体验。这种革命性的4D全沉浸式的展览概念,收获了众多国际奖项的认可。我们的目标是使艺术更普及化,并驾起中国与世界文化之间的桥梁。
About us
Temple of Light is an international and multicultural company. We explore spatial aesthetics through digital art both classic and contemporary, utilizing the latest high-tech projection and sound spatialization technology to create multi-sensory and emotional immersive experiences. This revolutionary 4D fully immersive exhibition concept has been recognized by many international awards, delighting millions of visitors. We aspire to democratize art and bridge Chinese culture with the world.
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